gm everyone. Exciting update coming from the EVM team is that $stkETH v2 has been deployed on devnet.

03 May 2023, 13:13
gm everyone! 👋 Exciting update coming from the EVM team is that $stkETH v2 has been deployed on devnet. 🫡 In the next few days, we’ll thoroughly test out the complex (on the backend) yet beautiful (optimized for UX) technical design we’ve built. 👀 Another positive news is that a second audit (after Peckshield) with Halborn has started too. 🔒 Once we’ve tested things out on the devnet (& testnet later), we’ll start an aggressive outreach into the Ethereum community on how pSTAKE is built different. 🗣 We’ll also start introducing various partners we’ve been working with, including technical infrastructure as well integrations. 🙌 Exciting times ahead!